This type of stainless steel industrial scale developed after World War II, as an alternative to increase the characteristics of mechanical strength by aging heat treatment. These steels are called “endurecibles by precipitation” o PH…
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Duplex stainless steels are the most recent development; son aleaciones cromo-níquel-molibdeno que forman una mezcla de cantidades aproximadamente iguales de Austenita y ferrita. However, the amount of nickel is sufficient to fully develop the austenitic crystal structure.…
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As the name suggests, have austenitic configuration metallographic. Esta familia de aceros se obtiene adicionando elementos formadores de Austenita, such as nickel, manganese and nitrogen. The chromium content usually ranges from 16 to the 26% y su contenido de carbono…
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Most metals rust, e.g., Silver (Ag) turns black, aluminum (To the) changes to white, copper (With) changes to green and, ordinarily, steel changes to red. In the case of steel, the…
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Acero que contiene cantidades substanciales de elementos con excepción del carbono y ciertas cantidades limitadas de manganeso, azufre, silicio y fósforo. La adición de tales elementos de Aleación se realiza generalmente con el fin de aumentar la Resistencia química y…
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Respuesta de la salida de control en función de la diferencia entre el Punto de ajuste (Set point) y la variable de Proceso.
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Corriente alterna y Corriente continua.
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Tipo de acero inoxidable de la Serie 300. It is similar to 304, but contains a titanium addition of five times the carbon content; el titanio es adicionado para evitar precipitar el carburo de cromo durante la soldadura…
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AC: Electric current that reverses at regular intervals, alternating positive and negative values.
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