
The process by which a material is melted by pressure and is passed through a die to create a desired shape.

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Thermal Expansion

Most solids expand when heated and contract when cooled. Se denomina Dilatación al cambio de dimensiones que sufre un cuerpo debido al cambio de temperatura que se provoca en ella por cualquier medio.

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Process that releases heat.

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Display accuracy

Amount of error between the measured value and shown in the display. Usually expressed as ± or % scale the number of digits.

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Accuracy control

La capacidad de mantener un Proceso dentro de los valores deseados. Varies depending on the complete system: Sensor de temperatura, control, power, loading and losses.

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Exactitud de calibración

El error absoluto que existe en un aparato cuando se compara con una constante física o un estándar conocido.

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Commonly said that an enclosure or apparatus is sealed it does not allow the entry of moisture inside. Esta definición es muy poco concreta ya que la capacidad de una envolvente para permitir la entrada de humedad

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The ability of a device to maintain a constant output with regard to a constant input.

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Resistive Spiral

Alloy resistance wire Nickel chrome or other metals. Varies depending on the type of work that resistance is intended. The resistive coil may comprise one, dos o tres hilos. Este elemento es la fuente

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Permanent Error

In proportional controllers, la diferencia entre el Punto de ajuste y el valor real una vez se ha estabilizado el sistema. The integral component of the PID control corrects this mistake.

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