Is a physical parameter that indicates the size of a wave and is usually denoted by the Greek letter lambda ( the ). In the international system, la unidad de medida de la longitud de onda es…
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A type of logic in artificial intelligence based on relation of the observed. This type of logic takes two random values, but contextualized and referred to each other. For example, a person that size 2 metros es…
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Longitud llano Platina. Dimensión de longitud en las resistencias con Platina o brida. Is defined as the distance between the inner face of the plate to the tube end of curve.
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Length including flange. Length dimension of resistors with fittings. It is defined as the distance between the outer face of the flange of the fitting to the end of the first curve of the tube.
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Longitud incluida Rosca. Dimensión de longitud en las resistencias con Tapón roscado. Se define como la distancia desde el final de Rosca del tapón hasta el extremo de la primera curva del tubo.
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Longitud incluida Platina. Dimensión de longitud en las resistencias con Platina o brida. Is defined as the distance between the outer face of the plate to the tube end of curve.
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Length including cap. Length dimension of resistors with caps. It is defined as the distance from the cap (included) until the end of the first curve of the tube.
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La intensidad de la corriente eléctrica que circula por un dispositivo es directamente proporcional a la Diferencia de potencial aplicada e inversamente proporcional a la resistencia del mismo, según expresa la fórmula siguiente I = V/r Donde I = Amperio…
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Groove Length. Length dimension resistors quartz tube. It is defined as the distance between centers of the racing the pearly.
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Light emitting diode. An electronic device that emits light when current passes through it.
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