Heat status change

Heat the latent heat of phase transition, is the energy absorbed by the substance to change state, from solid to liquid (Calor latente de fusión) liquid or gaseous (Calor latente de vaporización). Al cambiar de gaseoso

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According to ISO 9000: Grado en el que un conjunto de características inherentes cumple con los requisitos.

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Set of operations which establish, under specified conditions, correspondence between the values ​​in the instrument, equipment the measuring system, and the corresponding known values ​​of a dimension or pattern.

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Permanent Error: en reguladores proporcionales, la diferencia entre el Punto de ajuste y el valor real una vez se ha estabilizado el sistema. The integral component of the PID control corrects this mistake.

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Cables compensated

Cables thermoelectric characteristics similar to thermocouple. The cables are generally compensated low-cost alternatives to metals thermocouple.

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Cable coaxial

Is a cable consisting of two concentric conductors: driver a central core consisting of a solid Hilo the twisted copper; y un conductor exterior en forma de tubo o vaina formado por una Malla trenzada de cobre o

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Head protection

Envelope that protects the electrical connections of the heating elements and temperature sensors.

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Connection Head

Cover the heating elements or probes where the terminals are housed for electrical wiring. The feed to the network is performed through an access which allows entry of the wires. Su Grado de

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as / cc

Corriente alterna y Corriente continua

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