British Thermal Unit. Unidad de energía definida como la cantidad de calor requerida para aumentar una libra de agua de 32°F a 33°F a Presión atmosférica estándar. One BTU is equal to 252 Calories. See also “Calorie” from “July”.

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British Standards. UK government agency that defines and maintains technical standards

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Borne connection

Component responsible for connecting a device to the drivers of the supply network.

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Also called bicromatizado. Type of surface treatment applied to the metal. See “Galvanized”

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Range of values ​​through which a change of input produces no noticeable change in the output.

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Feature that automatically sets the PID values ​​for the temperature control of a thermal system.

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Differently shaped arrangement of the iron atoms in carbon steels and. This is the stable form of pure iron at temperatures ranging between 710 at 1400 °C. La austenita no es estable a Temperatura ambiente

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Potentially explosive atmosphere

Atmosphere that risks become explosive due to local and operational conditions. Según la directiva ATEX 94/9/EC las atmósferas explosivas se definen como mezclas con aire, under atmospheric conditions, flammable substances in the form of gases, vapors,

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Unit standard pressure is the pressure exerted by 760 millimeters of mercury (mmcHg) Sea level, latitud 45°. It is equal to 1 Kg/cm² (14,22 PSI).

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The ATEX abbreviation derived from the French term “Atmospheres Explosibles” and covers the EU Directive 94/9/EC, relativa a la aproximación de las legislaciones de los estados miembros sobre los aparatos y sistemas de protección para uso en atmósferas

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