Generalized corrosion

This type of corrosion acts uniformly on the entire surface of the material, uniform and is due to weakening of the passivation film (chromium oxide) over the entire surface of the steel. It usually occurs because of poor

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For fault isolation of the active conductors used in electrical installations to prevent the passage of current user. La toma a Tierra es un camino de poca resistencia a cualquier Corriente de fuga para que

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Galvanic corrosion

All stainless steels are susceptible to this type of corrosion is caused by the contact of two metals of different oxidation potential that are in contact in a corrosive environment. As a highly resistant metal

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Titanium (You)

El Titanio presenta buenas características bajo tensión a Temperatura ambiente y una adecuada resistencia a la rotura por fluencia hasta una temperatura de 300 °C. Like most titanium alloys, el Titanio ofrece una excelente

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Componente electrónico Semiconductor que utiliza realimentación interna para producir una conmutación y que se emplea generalmente para el control de potencia. The term derives from Greek and thyristor gate means, pues este tipo de dispositivo permite la apertura o cierre

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Stress corrosion

This type of corrosion is the least common and as such the least studied, it is a type of transgranular corrosion, is produced by stresses generated in the material, such as tensile, Cold deformation, Welds, etc., ante la

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The acronym TIG corresponds to the initials of English words “Tungsten Inert Gas”, which indicates a weld in an atmosphere of inert gas and tungsten electrode. The TIG process can be used in joints requiring high

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Electricity supply from any power pole and accessible metal parts of equipment. En los aparatos de calentamiento la corriente de fuga no debe ser superior a 0’75 mA por kW con un máximo de 5 mA

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Electric current flowing in one direction.

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For fault isolation of the active conductors used in electrical installations to prevent the passage of current user. La toma a tierra es un camino de poca resistencia a cualquier Corriente de fuga para que

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