The chrome is a galvanized, based on the electrolysis, whereby a thin layer of metallic chromium is deposited on metal objects. The chromium plating is widely used in industry to protect metals…
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It occurs only in the lines of fusion (weld line) metal base stabilized stainless steels when exposed to hot concentrated nitric acid. This corrosion is faster on steels with high carbon content. It can be…
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It is the localized attack (Stings) producing stainless steel penetration. Pitting is associated with the local discontinuity passivation film, may be due to extreme corrosive agents or mechanical imperfections, particles such as…
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It occurs only in the lines of fusion (weld line) metal base stabilized stainless steels when exposed to hot concentrated nitric acid. This corrosion is faster on steels with high carbon content. It can be…
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Dispositivo Semiconductor, family of transistors. La diferencia con un Tiristor convencional es que éste es unidireccional y el triac es bidireccional. De forma coloquial podría decirse que el triac es un interruptor capaz de conmutar la Corriente…
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Crevice corrosion is localized corrosion and can arise when a material has interstices between two facing surfaces of metal parts and coupled to the same or different type, or even between inert metal parts and non-metallic parts,…
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Amount of heat energy that is transmitted from a body of higher temperature to a lower.
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Dispositivo electromagnético que permite aumentar o disminuir el Voltaje o tensión en un circuito eléctrico de Corriente alterna, manteniendo la Frecuencia. The power coming into the team, en el caso de un transformador ideal es igual a la que se…
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This type of corrosion usually attacks the stainless AISI Series 300, that is exposed to temperatures between 430 at 870 °C. This problem occurs in the vicinity of the welded parts during this process…
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It is a device that converts the value of a physical quantity (pressure, flow, temperature, etc.) encoded in an electrical signal in either analog or digital form. It is also called a transducer. Sensors, or standard analogue transducers send signals…
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