
Operation leading to a particular outcome.

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Steam pressure

Is the pressure at which the liquid and vapor phases are in equilibrium at a given temperature; its value is independent of the amounts of liquid and vapor present while there are both. In the equilibrium, las

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Saturation pressure

Is the pressure at which the liquid and vapor phases are in equilibrium at a given temperature; its value is independent of the amounts of liquid and vapor present while there are both. In the equilibrium, las

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Air pressure

Pressure in grams per centimeter to pounds per square inch (PSI) exerted by the Earth's atmosphere in the bodies located within it. Is standard atmospheric pressure 1,013 As bar at sea level and at 15 °C.

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Installed power

Cantidad de potencia usada en una aplicación o Proceso.

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Apparent power

La potencia aparente de un circuito eléctrico de Corriente alterna, es la suma de la energía que disipa dicho circuito en cierto tiempo en forma de calor o trabajo y la energía utilizada para la formación de los campos eléctricos

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Tipo de termoplástico similar al Polietileno pero con un temperatura de ablandamiento más elevada.

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Cycle time

The time required to complete a regulatory cycle On / Off. It is usually expressed in seconds.

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Un Téster, a veces también denominado polímetro o Multímetro, is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several functions in one unit. Las más comunes son las de Voltímetro, Amperímetro y Ohmímetro.

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Type of thermoplastic that offers excellent dielectric characteristics.

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