
Heat treatment made to reduce the tension in a solid material, calentándolo a apenas debajo de su Punto de fusión y después gradualmente enfriarlo a Temperatura ambiente. Con el recocido se consigue mejorar la Flexibilidad de los elementos metálicos permitiendo

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Surrounding Flameproof

Enclosure designed so that if an explosion occurs within it, it resists the pressure, i.e., the explosion is not spread abroad. Is identified as “Ex d”.

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Rearme manual

Feature control devices that require human intervention to return to normal operation after it has reached the temperature limit.

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Linear Input

Entrada de una variable de Proceso que se representa como una línea recta.

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Automatic reset

Feature control devices where the output is automatically re-energizes when the temperature is within the limits.

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The area between two limits in which a quantity or value is measured. It is usually described in terms of lower and upper limits.

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The enthalpy is a thermodynamic variable symbolized with the letter H, the enthalpy expresses a measure of the energy absorbed or given by a thermodynamic system, or, which is the same, la cantidad de

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Aumento de temperatura programado hasta el Punto de ajuste de un controlador. Usually expressed in ° C / min.

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Radius of curvature

Minimum radius to which an item (the tubular probe resistance) You can bend without stressing the metal structure or impair its characteristics. The radius of curvature varies depending on the diameter of the element and the heat treatment it receives.

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Ultraviolet radiation

Portion of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths ranging from approximately 400 nm (nanometers) until 15 nm, just beyond the violet in the visible spectrum. Commonly from the sun or gas discharge lamps. The

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