Resistive Spiral

Alloy resistance wire Nickel chrome or other metals. Varies depending on the type of work that resistance is intended. The resistive coil may comprise one, dos o tres hilos. Este elemento es la fuente

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Permanent Error

In proportional controllers, la diferencia entre el Punto de ajuste y el valor real una vez se ha estabilizado el sistema. The integral component of the PID control corrects this mistake.

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Engaging powder

The ignition source is surrounded by fine-grained sand. The Ex atmosphere surrounding the case can not be ignited by an arc. Is identified as “Ex q”.

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Pressurized surroundings

The ignition source is surrounded by a protective gas under pressure (My. 0,5 mbar); the external atmosphere can not penetrate. Is identified as “Ex p”.

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Surrounding oil dip

The material or its components are immersed in oil and well separated from the explosive atmosphere. Is identified as “Ex o”.

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Envelope encapsulated

La fuente de ignición queda encerrada en una Masa por lo que no puede inflamarse la atmósfera explosiva. Is identified as “Ex m”.

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Engaging with intrinsic safety

Limiting the energy in the circuit prevents the occurrence of excessive temperatures, sparks and electric arcs. Is identified as “Ex ia” from “Ex ib” according to appropriate equipment Category 1 to Category 2.

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Envelope with increased security

Applicable only to the material or its components, that normally does not generate sparks or electric arcs, can not adopt dangerous temperatures and whose supply voltage does not exceed 1 kV. Is identified as “Ex e”.

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Solid state relay (SSR)

A switching device without moving parts that opens or closes a circuit electrically. Solid state relay is called a hybrid circuit, normally composed of an optocoupler which isolates the input, a trigger circuit, que detecta el

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Silicon controlled rectifier (SCR)

Silicon Controlled Rectifier English. Es un dispositivo electrónico de control que se utiliza para controlar voltajes de Corriente alterna dentro de un ciclo. Podemos decir que es un interruptor unidireccional que se cierra con un pulso de corriente de

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