
Un téster, a veces también denominado Polímetro o Multímetro, is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several functions in one unit. Las más comunes son las de Voltímetro, Amperímetro y Ohmímetro.

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Test continuidad

Evidence indicating whether the electric current flowing through the element.

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The cane, characterizing element of these thermostats, temperature sensor and the same, está construida por un tubo de un material con un Coeficiente de Dilatación, por el interior del cual hay una varilla de otro material con

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Los thermostats bulb, are characterized precisely by the bulb. El bulbo es un pequeño depósito de Fluido térmico, to be placed in the area in which you want to measure the temperature. Este depósito está unido por un capilar a

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The thermostat is a bimetal in two sheets of different materials welded over its entire surface. This construction makes the temperature varies over a face dilate the other bimetal, and thus it bends. This

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Temperature sensing device, operating temperature which may be fixed or adjustable, and that during normal operation maintains the temperature of the part controlled within certain limits by the automatic opening and closing of a circuit.

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Las termorresistencias are temperature sensors resistivos (English are designated as RTD). In them the effect is used to have the temperature in the conduction of electrons to, to a temperature increase, haya un aumento de

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Base metal thermocouple

Metal-based thermocouples are those in which the conductors are made with base metal elements (iron, copper, nickel). They correspond to the types E, J, K y N.

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A thermistor is a resistor that varies its value depending on the temperature. There are classes of thermistors: NTC y PTC Termopar Dispositivo de detección de temperatura realizado a partir de la unión de dos metales distintos. This

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Voltage phase

The three-phase voltage system is essentially a three alternating voltages coupled (occur simultaneously 3 en un Generador), and phase-shifted 120 ° from each (or a sea tercio the period). These voltages are transported by a system of 3

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