American National Standards Institute. Government agency of the United States that defines and maintains technical standards.

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Región simétrica por encima y por debajo del Punto de ajuste determinado de un Control proporcional.

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A method of representing data using the amplitude of a signal.

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Amperio (A)

Each defines the amount of electrical current in a circuit. Part of the base units in the International System of Units. A la carga que transporta una corriente de un Amperio en un segundo se le llama Culombio

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Each defines the amount of electrical current in a circuit. Part of the base units in the International System of Units. To the charge that carries a current of one ampere in one second is called Coulomb

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A device that measures the magnitude of the electric current.

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American Wire Gauge (AWG) un estándar de las características dimensionales del hilo conductor de la corriente o señales eléctrica.

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Substance having metallic properties and composed of two or more chemical elements of which at least one is a metal.

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Alarm System foul the sensor

Alarma que avisa que el Sensor no proporciona una señal válida. For example, when breakage of the thermocouple

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Deviation Alarm

Advierte cuándo un Proceso se excede o cae por debajo de un Rango específico respecto al Punto de ajuste.

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A B C D E F G H I J K The M N The P R S T U V W In