Drivers “Everything / Nothing” are the most basic control systems. They send an activation signal (“On”, “Ignition”) cuando la entrada de señal es menor que un nivel de referencia definido previamente y desactiva la Señal de salida (“Not”, “Off”…
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The thermostat is a bimetal in two sheets of different materials welded over its entire surface. This construction makes the temperature varies over a face dilate the other bimetal, and thus it bends. This…
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Control system that, by an actuator, es capaz de mantener una variable o Proceso en un punto deseado dentro del Rango de medición del Sensor que la mide. Es uno de los métodos de control más frecuentes y precisos…
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The share is the product of the error signal and the proportional constant. This PID component plays an important role when the error signal is large, pero su acción se ve mermada con la disminución de…
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El Modo de control Integral tiene como propósito disminuir y eliminar el error en estado estacionario, caused by the proportionally. The error is integrated, which has the function to average it or adding it over a period of time.
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Algoritmo del control donde el Punto de ajuste se representa como la diferencia deseada entre dos variables del sistema.
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Temperature sensing device, operating temperature which may be fixed or adjustable, and that during normal operation maintains the temperature of the part controlled within certain limits by the automatic opening and closing of a circuit.
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Las termorresistencias are temperature sensors resistivos (English are designated as RTD). In them the effect is used to have the temperature in the conduction of electrons to, to a temperature increase, haya un aumento de…
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Derivative action occurs when there is a change in the absolute value of the error; (if the error is constant, act only the proportional and integral modes). La función de la acción derivativa es mantener el error al mínimo corrigiéndolo…
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Metal-based thermocouples are those in which the conductors are made with base metal elements (iron, copper, nickel). They correspond to the types E, J, K y N.
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