The Aerotermo ANB3'6 apparatus is a mobile or fixed installation at high level (minimum height of 1.8 m from the ground). The rest of the range of fan heaters are devices ANB mobile use or fixed installation into any wall height. Si el Aerotermo ANB is used as wall, shall be fixed with accessory. Wall mounting accessories allow to obtain a horizontal angle of rotation 180 °.
• El Aerotermo ANB complies with the UNE EN 60335-1 and its share of 2-30.
• El Aerotermo ANB is a Apparatus class I, of ~ 230 V single phase power for ANB3 model, 6, feeding phase 3 ~ 400 V with making Land for ANB6SN and three phase supply with neutral 3N ~ 400 V outlet Land for the rest of the range.
• Can be used as a mobile device or fixed device at any height of the wall or high depending on the model
• Allows direct the flow of air both vertically and horizontally with wall mounting accessory.
• Product certified by TÜV Product Service at incorporating their respective brands, ANB3 except models 6SN, ANB3, 6B y ANB6SN
Main Features
• Ample maneuver to optimize
the working apparatus according to circumstances: one to three stages of heat over a single ventilation function.
• Selector Ambient temperature adjustable. (Maximum ambient temperature approx. 39 °C)
• All models with wire hose (Long. 1'7 M ANB3'6 – 6 – 9 y long. 2'1 M ANB12 – 17) and Plug, CETAC type for three-phase models and Schuko type 16 A model for ANB3'6.
• 5 Positions of vertical orientation.
• The wall mount accessory allows horizontal orientation Aerotermo in any direction thanks to the possibility of rotation of 180 °.
• Disconnection of the sobretemperatura Rearme manual.
• Protective grilles to prevent direct contact with the fan blades with shield and indirect heaters.
• Automation for inertial dissipate heat produced by the resistor bank.
• Internal Isolation Chamber.