Elements annealed straight square tube , TC Models


  1. Standard Models, gama TC61 (Spanish)
  2. Standard Models, gama TC76 (Spanish)
  3. Models TC (English)

Straight annealed square tube elements are the ideal solution for applications where a uniform heat distribution over the mold required to heat. The high Degree de Flexibility obtained through the heat treatment to which the steel tube is subjected to a controlled atmosphere furnace at temperatures of 1150 °C, let the heater can be bent directly above the metallic mold obtaining the desired figure.
Main Features
• Tubular elements in armored stainless steel AISI 321 Annealing 6'1 square section×6’1 mm ó 7’6×7'6 Mm.
• Resistive wire Alloy Ni-Cr Quality 80-20
• Resistance electromelted isolated oxide and lamination-compressed magnesium.
• Gran through thermal contact the planar faces
• Salida smooth Ø2'5 mm models to Section 6.1×6'1 Mm mm for the O3 models section 7'6×7'6 Mm.
• Voltage normalized: ~ 230
• On request elements can be made to your specifications:
– Other dimensions, powers and voltages
– Can be manufactured in square section 9'4×9'4 Mm to lengths 3600 mm for all lengths.

Typical applications
• heated by contact foreign deposits
• Maintenance of solid liquid: fat, wax, honey, etc..
• Drying of solids: rubber, grain, sands
• Machinery for plastics processing, baquelitas, Epoxy, poliésteres y gomas.
• Hot Cameras
• Hot molds
• Heating of metal masses
• Machinery for Footwear
• Used for bottled
• Used for labeled