Heating modules to form the batteries various measures


  1. Fixed U-shaped, UST models
  2. Resistors as M4, models M4ST
  3. Resistors as M6, models M6ST
  4. Resistors as M8, models M8ST
  5. Models air elements (EN)
Main Features

• Tubular elements in armored stainless steel AISI 304L from AISI 321 de Ø8 mm, oxide insulated with compressed magnesium electromelted and rolling.
• Borne BM4-S de M4.
• Standard Voltage 230 V ~

Field of applications

• Air conditioning.
• Thanks to the low Charge Density maximum of 3'6 W / cm ², can be applied for heating air to a maximum temperature of 200 ° C with a minimum air velocity Vair = 2 m / sec on the heating zone. In the table below are given as a guide with maximum working temperatures depending on the air velocity through resistors.
• Children in reposo – NO
• Air Speed 1 m/seg – Max. 90 °C
• Air Speed 2 m/seg – Max. 200 °C
• Air Speed 3 m/seg – Max. 270 °C
• Air Speed 4 m/seg – Max. 325 °C