The main advantages of infrared radiation compared to conventional heating techniques based on convection or conduction are, speed and Flexibility utilization, the absence of contact with the products to be treated especially high surface power density that can be achieved.
The IRU transmitter is built with a ceramic plate 3 mm resistant to thermal shock, low inertia thickness due to its low Period. The addition of a particular highly emissive coating allows optimum conversion of electric energy into infrared radiation.
The Emisividad IRU total station, calculated 800 °C, located on the spectral range of 10 at 7000 cm-1 vale 0’98 (compared Black body and = 1). Ie IRU efficiency relative to an ideal radiation is 98% over the entire infrared spectrum. Compared, the emission factor of a metal body is 50%, The quartz tube is one of 70%.
The accompanying table, can observe the behavior of the issuer relating IRU power with surface temperature. By a power regulator can vary power MR1 / emitter surface temperature such that the emitter work Longitude de onda indicated. Thus, if we know the behavior of the material to be heated against a Longitude de onda we can adjust the issuer to offer the best ratio of consumption /Efficiency energy.